Invest Region Leipzig GmbH

News in the energy industry

Invest Region Leipzig was also represented at PowerGen, a trade fair for the energy industry. It is regarded as the largest technology fair for power plants and energy supply outside the USA and took place in Milan for the third time. The event attracted around 13,500 visitors to the stands of the 535 exhibitors, most of whom came from Germany, Italy, the USA and Great Britain. Siemens, Ansaldo, Andritz and Kawasaki Gas Turbine represented several big players in the industry. The Region of Leipzig is not only distinguished by the settlement of Siemens: With the wholesale trade of Verbundnetz Gas AG as part of a pan-European strategy or on European trading platforms (EEX), a modern Vattenfall power plant and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, the Region of Leipzig has an attractive offer of locations.
